19 setembro, 2008

IF- Clique

A "panelinha" dos três pequenos sapos. Desenho para o IF ! Three little frogs!

12 comentários:

trudette disse...

super super cute !

SweetMissDaisy (Anna Wight) disse...

Fantastic expressions!!

AstridMueller disse...

Hey graziella I love your technique and style!! Very cool combination of techniques.


Juan disse...

Great piece! Very well done.

Rui Sousa disse...

Fantastic, really fine work!

Rui Sousa
(O temporário)


ArtSparker disse...

Nice combination of pen and ink and texture

Bobo disse...

This is funny! Girl, be careful, choose the right one!

Vanessa Brantley Newton disse...

Very beautiful line work. Very nice. I like this illustration a lot.

Tessa disse...

Super style, excellent technique - this is one of my favorites!

Mônica disse...

Muito fofinho... essa "panelinha" eu até que gosto! :-)

Chez POPI disse...

Amei os sapinhos!!!

tusen disse...

Sweet. The frog with different size eyes is so funny.